Thursday, January 6, 2011


                             After a long  break the AVEMBSYS  session  started  again  on 5th  January 2011. The  session  started with discussion on basics of  C  programming by our friend.After that sir gave  us  idea  about  electronic  warfare  in  that we  came to know how a pulse of  high density  electromagnetic wave is used to destroy the enemies electronic devices. Then we moved to the  basics of aerodynamics which included basic concepts of mass , force momentum, moment ,couple, density, temperature, viscosity  and how viscosity increases  with  increase  in  speed.   After  that  we  got  an  idea  about  the static  stagnation and  gauge pressure. In  that  gauge pressure/absolute  pressure that is pressure at  a point static pressure which refers to measure of purely random motion  of  molecule  in gas, and  total/stagnation   pressure  which points to  pressure  at a point where  the fluid element is slowed down to zero.Then we came to know about PITOT tube  and  its  principle and how it is used for the measurement of the speed of the aircraft. After that we  discussed concepts related  to gas such as gas law, isothermal process , adiabatic process. And  then  we came to  know  about different types of altitude  Pressure ,True or Sea Level altitude  and Absolute. Then  we discussed on  aircraft attitude ,center of gravity,aerodynamic   center,center of pressure.After that we came to know about MACH NUMBER which is a measure of   speed of the aircraft.Which is  the ratio of speed of the body and speed of sound.Then details were given about how an aircraft fly and how it produces the lift ,came to know how the shape of the aircraft helps to produce sufficient lift by creating low pressure at the bottom and high pressure at the top,and also how an aircraft produces  thrust by using a jet engine which emit a fast stream of fluid in opposite direction.Next we learnt about the various parts of the aircraft. How  the  lift  is created, also how rotate, drag, adjust in the lift  and the six degrees of freedom were demonstrated with a diagram  showing the various parts such as flaps, slats, wings, spoilers, rudder, aileron etc.Discussions were done   over  lift  coefficient  and how lift first  increases with angle of attack and after certain angle  it starts decreasing.The different  moments  acting  on the aircraft  were  seen as  Pitching,  Rolling  and  Yawing.
The  Session  ended  with a video about how the VTOL which is Vertical Take-Off and Landing.After that    we discussed about cloud burst , air pockets.The 3rd session winded with a video of the crash of French airbus A320.A discussion of the projects preceded the end of the session.The students  who were  interested  in hardware were given an assignment to work on the Transceiver system using an 8051 Micro-controller and also developing a sensor to detect the crossing in range of it.As for the software students we were given a brief about the Software Development Life Cycle and the V-Model that is being used on to develop Critical Systems.

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