Tuesday, February 22, 2011


       The SDLC has four phases namely Analysis,Design,Development and testing .After each phase the product under development is sent to the client for approval.The client at this stage can request for change(RFC).These changes should be incorporated and then tested.Once Analysis phase is over,its output is a SRSD(Software Requirement Specification Document) which is sent to the client for approval.
                                   The different software development models use are:
  1. Waterfall Model
  2. Spiral Model
  3. V Model
Waterfall Model
               The waterfall model is so called because of the cascade from one phase to another.In this model the following phase should not start until the previous phase has finished.The problems with the analysis phase are identified in the design phase and problems with design phase are identified in the development phase and so on.
  • Provides certainity
  • Documentation is provided at each phase
  • Difficult to respond to changing customer needs.

Spiral Model
              Rather than representing the SLDC phases in a sequence this model allows backtracking from one phase to another.Each spiral represents a single phase.The number of spirals shows the level of development.

V Model
               This model is used for machine critical embedded systems.At each phase of the SDLC the corresponding test cases are identified and noted.After the testing phase each of these test cases are tested.At every stage the client requirements are tested.

Then we discussed about the SRS(software requirements specification) for aircraft landing schedules and high level design document.
Airports and Airspace
The airport consists of:
  1. Runways-the path where aircrafts run,to takeoff and land.It may be paved or unpaved.The runways are numbered using the magnetic heading.The default is the North Pole.Nmae of the runway is one-tenth of the magnetic heading.Every runway has two numbers.
Standard traffic pattern:
  • Downwind leg
  • Base leg
  • Final approach
  • Departure leg
  • Crossing leg
The windsock is used to determine the direction of flow of wind.
     2.Taxiway-These are the links between runways and the airport parking areas.
     3.Airport Signs-There are six basic types of signs
  • Mandatory
  • Location
  • Destination
  • Direction
  • Information
  • Runway distance remaining
    4.Lighting systems
  • Approach light systems
  • Runway edge systems
  • In runway lighting
  • Taxiway lighting
  • Airport beacon
  • Visual Approach Slope Indicator(VASI)
  • Precision Approach Path Indicator(PAPI)
     5.Controlled airspace
  • Class A
  • Class B
  • Class C
  • Class D
  • Class E
  • Uncontrolled airspace:Class G
Special Airspace
  • Prohibited area
  • Restricted area
  • Warning area
  • Military operations areas
  • Alert areas
  • Controlled firing area
ILS Categories
  • Precision
        Cat 1
        Cat 2
        Cat 3:Cat 3A,Cat 3B,Cat 3C
  • Non-precision

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